Friday, April 17, 2009

Teenage Girls & Sleepy Babies!

We had a nice morning. We got Directv today so we had to pretty much just hung out at the house waiting but at least now our cable bill is about half of what is was before! We got to enjoy time together as a family and got to spend a little time outside too! Haley looked so cute that I went a little camera crazy again - but I doubt I will have too many complaints! So, now I have three teenage girls in my living room right now; giggling, eating Cheetos & watching horror movies...who'd have thunk it? Alex has her two friends, Emily & Sarah over tonight and it has been a little crazy but fun. The girls are really sweet and they love playing with Haley! Haley has enjoyed playing with the girls but it sure wiped her out. I heard her getting fussy so I went and got her and was rubbing her tummy on the bed and she just drifted off, clutching on to her new favorite toy...granola bar. Whatever! Notice that she also seems to like Mom's Atlanta Falcon's football - that a girl!

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