Sunday, April 26, 2009

Aunt Kate Turns 40 (aka Aunt Kate is OLD)

Today we took the family & Grandma Egbert to Kate's 40th birthday party at the Raccoon Lodge. It was great fun! The food was so yummy - salmon penne (Uncle just barfed a little in his mouth...again) :) Haley loved spending time with all her family! Everyone had to get their Haley time :) Even some of Kate's zoo friends ended up requesting the baby be sent to their table :) It is so fun how everyone dotes on her! When we walked in Grammy immediately put her hands out to take Haley but was one upped by Uncle who stood up and took her first :) I am sure Grammy will not be fooled again! :) I do not know why Rich puts up with me (or why anyone puts up with me actually) but I again forced him into wearing things so I could take photos. I do not know what babies Uncle Rich has been hanging out with (obviously not my beautiful girl) but this is the face he made when I told him to act like a baby - lol! After much cheek pinching, face kissing & zerberts, Haley was DONE! We were not out of the parking lot before she was sound asleep! Today was a really great day! Happy Birthday Aunt Kate! We love you!

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