Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Not feeling so hot :( but still cute as ever!

Haley has a little cold AND her top front teeth have just started breaking through - so she may have been a little cranky. We spent the day at home playing and trying to soothe the sweet one. The tent remains a big hit for Haley - and now Say So. Oh, and also Tank :) Between her naps Haley was pretty subdued but she did have a few burst of energy that we took advantage of. We also took advantage of the short break of sun in the otherwise dreary day. I love watching these two love each other! Tank also enjoyed the sunny day. I had to include this video of Tank "knocking my socks off!" Crazy Dog!
We gave Haley a bath tonight in her new tub seat. She loves it. She loves being in the big bath and being able to splash around - I love knowing she is not going to tip over! I love smelling Haley especially right after her bath! What a sweet princess. I can not believe how lucky I am!

1 comment:

  1. Kelly attacked by snorting tank! I can see the headlines right now! You guys are so cute. Thanks for sharing your lives with us.
