Tuesday, April 21, 2009

BFF's & Band Concerts

Today was BUSY! Makenna came over first thing in the morning and got the day started! The girls played together for a couple hours and then Haley NEEDED a nap! She took a short nap and got up just in time for the early interventionist. Haley worked on kneeling and balancing. She was balancing on Nicole's knee and decided to stand up - she stood with just one finger on each hip for nearly three minutes! We were both SO impressed! During the time Nicole was over Makenna followed Roy around outside & in the kitchen pointing at various objects and shrieking to ensure that you too noticed said object :) I had to add this photo - this is Makenna pressing her head into the mesh baby gate in a desperate attempt to get to Roy. After Nicole left it was more play time for the girls. They really love playing in the play tent I got Haley. Haley likes sitting inside while Makenna crawls around exploring the various objects. After some more playing (and sharing some crispy treats) both girls were ready for a nap! Haley slept in her crib and I cuddled on the couch with Makenna for awhile. She rested but did not seem to want to fall asleep. I let her sit up and gave her the blanket and dolly - three minutes later she was completely passed out. After Makenna left it was time to go pick up Alex from school. She had a band concert at school with a Krazy Koncurt" theme. She dressed up valley girl style with my tiara from the wedding - pretty cute! We had to rush around after that - we were meeting Grammy & Papa for dinner but things went a little haywire - Alex had to be at school a little earlier than we anticipated (she had to do her friends makeup - a boy, Ian whom also wore her black and white dress) Then the service at Olive Garden was pathetic (none of us actually ate our dinners until after the concert - thank goodness for breadsticks & salad!)
We made it to the concert just in time!
Haley had a great time for the first half and then fell asleep on Grandma Egbert's lap :)

Haley was so proud of her Auntie Alex!

What a great day!

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