Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Decorating the Room for Alex

Today Roy & I went to Ikea to get a few things to decorate part of Haley's room for Alex. We wanted to make sure that Alex felt she had a little space of her own. Ikea was crazy! It was a little confusing at first but we found our way around and were able to get everything we needed for a fair price. I was really impressed on how cute the stuff was and how cheap! We got Haley a really cute stuffed ladybug with a mirror on the belly for $3.99 - what a deal! After we got all the stuff we RUSHED trying to get the room finished before Alex was back from school. We had to move stuff around quit a bit to make thing fit but we figured out a floor plan that is perfect!It was a lot of work but with a little help from Crystal we were able to do it! When Crystal brought Alex home from school I came downstairs and told her quite seriously "I need to talk to you," she followed me nervously upstairs and I told her to go in the room (where Roy was waiting with the video camera.) She was stunned! She was so excited that she almost started crying!
She did her homework as quick as she could so she could start to unpack stuff and tape some posters on the wall (Nick Jonas - everywhere!) As soon as we showed her the room I had to RUSH to Circle of Security, but I made it! Another good class and a VERY productive day!


  1. You and Roy are so amazing... I loved the video of Alex. We are so blessed to have you two err.. three.. I mean 4... in our lives. ;)

  2. Mrs. Nick Jonas, I mean Alex, looks so happy - you guys ROCK!!
