Friday, April 3, 2009

Pizza with Aunt Alex & Grandma & Grandpa Egbert

It was time for some Seahawk pride today. Never to early to start Haley's love of football! No worries folk the Atlanta Falcons gear will be purchased before September. We ran a bunch of errands today - taking Tank to get a bath, paying bills, you know really fun stuff :) Then we went and picked up Aunt Alex to come spend the weekend at our house. She did not get to see Grandma during her visit last week so we decided she should come back so they could visit I really like having Alex here, she is such a sweet young lady and she loves playing with Haley! :) We all had pizza at the house together and sat around visiting. We are so glad that Grandma is feeling better! Haley had so much fun reading her books with Grandma she did not want the visit to end but she eventually could not keep her eyes open any longer!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the pictures of Haley and her Egbert Gramps! It's so good to see Patsy home and getting to visit with everyone. Love the football outfit.
