Thursday, April 16, 2009

Grammy gives us a Break :)

Today Mom got up and headed out to RJ's office to meet with a family therapist to get some direction on helping Alex & Haley in the upcoming transitions. I hope the therapist can help me better support the girls understand the circumstances that brought them into our home. The session was promising and I left feeling relieved and hopeful. I of course had to bring Haley with me to see Uncle and her favorite nurse Hannah! It is so cute when I bring Haley into the office because as soon as Uncle sees us he immediately presents outstretched arms to take Haley and show her off. Her is such a proud Uncle! The nurses always smile and tell me "He loves her SO much!" I just love it! After my meeting I met Grammy at her work and she took Haley for the rest of the afternoon & early evening. It was such a blessing to kick back and relax, take a nap and actually get some things done around the house that have been neglected as of late. It is so awesome that Grammy loves Haley so much! Although I miss Haley it is nice to get a break and it is even nicer to know that Grammy is loving every minute of it! Obviously Haley seems to like the deal too! She got to eat some peaches and then take a bath in the kitchen sink (just like her Mama did she she was a wee one.) It is nice the weather is starting to get better so Haley can spend more time outside. She got to sit out on the swing with Papa.And with Grammy. I can not wait until the summer when we can take her out to see some "real" nature! She loves being outside and just seems to love soaking it all in.


  1. What great pictures! I can't imagine having more fun with a baby than I do with Haley! It's a shame that I never smile around her and that no one else knows how much we all love her. She'll probably grow up thinking she's unloveable...yeah right;}
