Saturday, April 4, 2009

Lazy Saturday morning & BBQ at Miss Aimee's

So we had a pretty lazy morning at the Egbert house (I should say SOME of us had a very lazy morning.)
I don't know when I have seen anything quite as cute as these silly cuddlebugs!
It was nice until Haley decided to use Tank's paw as her new teething toy. He did not seem to mind but Mom knows where that paw has been...

After everyone was up and dressed Mom took Aunt Alex (and a couple of her friends) and Haley to Lloyd Center to walk around. Mom did not spend one cent (not even for a pretzel!) so it was a successful jaunt. :) After the mall we let Alex stay at home while Roy & I took Haley over to Aimee's new house for a BBQ. Of course we also had to take the boy who ran around freaking out and making sure he sat on each persons lap...what a tard. Kristine, Howie & Makenna were also there so the girls got to sit and play...Haley did more sitting and Makenna did more of the playing. Makenna cracks me up! She laughs and dances all the time - so cute! She liked climbing the stairs and pulling the DVD's off the shelf. Haley was happy to join in on the mischief! Miss Aimee has a really nice new house. It is really bright & airy and it has a nice deck in the back! With our hectic schedules we had not been to see it yet so I was glad to correct that! Sam told Aimee to watch out because babies are contagious (even though I am pretty sure she wants to have a kid right now less than he does) but she sure looked sweet playing with Haley! After Haley went to bed I took Alex and her friends to go see a movie (Roy agreed to pick them up - such a sweet guy!) She has asked us if she can come and live with us. We will be talking about the logistics with her stepmom & dad tomorrow but I think she will be moving in at the end of the school year. I love her so much and am happy to have her with us.

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