Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Easter Eggs Galore!

So today we spent the entire day getting things ready for Saturday - yay! Grandma Egbert came over and we dyed four dozen Easter eggs! Even Roy joined in (even if it was only to appease me for the photos) Haley had so much fun hanging out with Grandma! My hands ended up nine different colors but it sure was fun! Grandpa stopped by to pick Grandma up and I of course seized the opportunity to take a picture! I also started the process of making like a million Jello Jigglers. Since the first FOUR trays of them were ruined (Roy didn't mind) before I could figure the perfect method of removing the darn molds I really did not make much of a dent in the task. Then I started putting Easter grass & prizes in the bags for the egg hunt - I was not kidding when I said EGGSTRAVAGANZA! After all the Jello making, prize bagging & egg dying even Tank was pooped!
On a side note please look at my two retarded pets...Tank taught Bad Bad how to beg for food gee thanks! Then after we gave Tank a piece of bread Bad Bad had to sniff his mouth to ensure that it was not anything she may have wanted, I told you, retards.

1 comment:

  1. So is tank ever doing anything but sleeping and begging? Oh Lord, now the cat's learned his life're in trouble!

    Love the pictures of the grandparents, Roy and Haley!

    The eggs are eggstravagant!
