Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Talk about a LAZY day

So today was a lazy day for everyone in the house except Mom! Alex had late start and got to sleep in. Tank started his day by deciding Haley's belly looked like a really nice pillow. He is so stuborn he continued to try and sleep on her even though she kept poking his eye and pulling his ear! It was quite cute! After I finally coaxed Tank off of Haley we had a nice day of running errands - Costco & Walmart. After we ran our errands Mom was busy trying to put things away and organize clothes when she caught her two loves sleeping together on the couch. Have you ever seen anything cuter? I mean look how adorable they are together! After a nice nap Haley enjoyed her favorite part of every day - self feeding time. Mom strips her down and she smooshes, smashes, and sometimes even eats some fruit and a teething biscuit. She always has so much fun! She ends up sticky and covered in yuck but it is worth it to see her so happy and excited!

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