Saturday, April 18, 2009

Swinging & Texting

So Mom's day was filled with a lot of teenagers and trips to the mall...crazy but amusing. I was able to get a phone on my cell plan for Alex to use. It has unlimited minutes and unlimited text messaging - good thing since in the last 48 hours she has texted over 500 times (which is more than I have in probably the last year...) At least I now have a VERY powerful bargaining tool :) While Alex occupied herself with text messages (trust me they are quite mundane she let me read a bunch of them) and hanging out at the mall, Haley accompanied Grandma & Grandpa Egbert to the park next to their house. Haley had so much fun swinging! Grandma called because Haley was laughing so much and you could hear her just giggling and giggling in the background! Don't worry Grammy we will let you take her to the park the sometime this week! :) Haley had a fantastic time and Grandma & Grandpa were delighted!Mom & Dad were able to get a few more things moved around in the house...we have almost got this occupancy situation worked out! :) Everyday we figure out how to make the arrangement a little better! Next big step - baby gates!

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