Thursday, April 2, 2009

Don't you take by biscuit Mom!

You can not exactly tell in the next photo but clutched in Haley's hands is her most sacred teething biscuit. She grabs it with both hands and tries to eat it but her hands are nearly covering the entire thing. Mom attempts to open her hands to push the biscuit up so she can actually eat it but Haley counters with death grip and superman arm pump. You can not get between Haley and her teething biscuit!
Haley is learning to use a sippy cup at meal times. Today she really wanted to try and do it herself. She kept grabbing it from Mom and trying to drink from it. At first she did not really get the concept.But she was getting the idea by the end of lunch. She needs a little help lifting the cup high enough but she is starting to get the hang of it!
Mom and Haley hung out together all day while Dad was in Salem (yuck) working. We ran a errands and walked around the mall but mostly we hung out at home. Haley loves being sung to and playing peek-a-boo. Haley makes me smile all the time. It is so cute how she likes to clasp her hands together! She is laughing more and more every day!

1 comment:

  1. Clean or messy, tippy cup up or down, she is by far the most precious baby in the world and you are GREAT parents! I love you all!
