Sunday, April 5, 2009

BBQ at Grandma & Grandpa Egbert's

We had a hectic day today. Before we took off to run errands I had Alex take a little family photo- we do not get too many photos with all of us in them so I was pleased, even if Haley isn't smiling and I should have taken the bib off... Running errands turned into a lot longer process than expected - unexpected curve balls that life sometimes throws at you. By dinner time Mom was absolutely exhausted! Dad gave her the great gift of a few alone hours when he took Alex & Haley to Grandma & Grandpa Egberts for a BBQ. Haley really wanted Grandpa's soda! Mom got some much needed rest and Haley got to visit with family! I feel so blessed to have so many people who love Haley.

1 comment:

  1. Love the pictures of Mom and Papa Egbert. We don't often see photos of the three of you together; at least two of you have beautiful smiles on! The Egbert Grandparents look wonderfully happy with their grandchildren! Haley and Mama best get much needed rest now. It's been a long weekend.
