Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Alex's Band Field Trip

Today I chaperoned Alex's band field trip. We all rode a school bus to Canby High School. The bus was loud and stinky - pretty much the same as I remembered it. I then followed her band around for five hours :) They practiced some and then played in front of some "judges" that gave them tips after their performance. For lunch the kids all were able to eat at one of three nearby restaurants. Alex let me come with her friends to Taco Bell - I say let because all the other parent chaperone's were "shunned" and told to go to different restaurants than the kids they were accompanying. After lunch we listened to a couple other bands play and then headed back home on the bus. Yay! When we got to school I realized that my keys had fallen out of my purse! Oh no! We searched Alex's school and then the buses in the bus yard...no luck! Roy had to come get us and then we had to drive out to Canby to find my keys :( Luckily a janitor was able to meet us and let me in the auditorium - Presto! My keys were in back of the seat I had been sitting in! So basically I had a LONG day that was not the most impressive. I missed my Circle of Security class and I am POOPED!

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