Thursday, April 23, 2009

No School for Alex & Day at the Park

Alex did not have school today - but does tomorrow (kinda weird) so she had her friend Emily spend the night last night. Today they hung out at the house together while I ran a few errands with Haley (including seeing Uncle - hurray!) When I got back the girls took Haley for a walk to the park and hung out on a blanket for a little bit. I came and picked Haley up a short while later and they stayed at the park giggling and texting in the semi-sun :) Haley and Mom hung out some more and ate some yummy finger foods - she is getting pretty good at the self feeding. She can get larger items into her mouth but the smaller stuff is still a little tricky! Roy was working in Olympia today so I took all three girls to Buster's for some dinner before dropping Emily off at home. Dad was back home when we returned and we spent a quiet evening enjoying the girl. Haley has really started laughing a lot. She likes it when Mom comes and "gets her" - she shrieks and giggles with delight!
So awesome! I did not think it was possible but she gets cuter every day!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE to see you guys having so much fun! This is amazing to have a hit of baby and the family every day.
