Monday, April 20, 2009

A Hot Day & A Visit From Makenna

Today Haley's BFF, Makenna came over to play. The girls have so much fun with each other. Tank doesn't seem to mind Makenna either :) Just being around Makenna could entertain Haley for hours! It is so cute how much they like each other (well maybe not when Makenna gets obsessed with waking her friend up to play) Makenna loves to sit by Haley on the couch. Makenna, of course, wants to seat herself (sounds familiar) and every time she does she sits in Haley's lap! Haley always looks all surprised and Makenna looks a little confused - we scoot her over and all have a good laugh.The girls played together for most of the afternoon. We even took a walk with Daddy & Tank! Such a beautiful day but it was hot...halfway through the walk Tank found a shady, grassy front yard and just plopped down. He refused to move for five minutes while he rested and rolled around in the grass - what a cute boy! I went to pick up Alex from school and when she walked in the house she looked in and yelps "Oh my gosh she is standing!" because she thought for a second Makenna was Haley. It was really cute...I asked her how long she thought she had been at school :)Going to watch Makenna again tomorrow & we also have Alex's band concert so I better get some rest! :)


  1. Cute pictures! Thank you for watching her for us... We don't know what we'd do without you. ;)
