Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Getting Ready for Easter & Visit with Grammy

Today was a very busy day of meetings! First Haley had to meet with the early interventionist, Nicole. Nicole was SO impressed at how well Haley is doing. She said she is amazed at how quickly Haley is learning new skills! She said she did not think she had seen ababy progress as quickly as Haley has-hurray! After Nicole left, Grandma Egbert came by to hang out with the girl for a little bit. We tried on the Easter Ears we got for Tank & Haley, so cute together! We also had to get one of just the girl & her Grandma! After a short visit Grandma left so that we could have a visit with Haley's caseworker, Jane Ellen. We were sad to learn that Jane Ellen would be leaving and our case would be handled by a different caseworker. Jane Ellen got a promotion so we are happy for her but we are sad she won't handle our case anymore! She has been really great to work with and we wish her the best of luck! After Jane Ellen left Haley & Mom ran to the store to buy a few final items for a certain Eggstravaganza! We (aka ME) are so excited for Saturday! Then we went to visit Grammy! Grammy read Haley a new Max & Ruby Easter story (Max & Ruby are Grammy's favorite - although she will inform you that Ruby is kinda an ass...) Haley and Grammy looked so cute reading the book together! Grammy watched Haley while Mom went to her second Circle of Security class. I am really enjoying the class. Tonight we talked about the circle as it pertains to infants so it was extra informative for me. I think I will get a lot out of this class and am truly enjoying it so far! After class I picked up Haley (who was PASSED OUT on Grammy) and headed home after a LONG day! Tomorrow holds more preperations for Saturday including some jiggler making & egg dying!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE all of the pictures especially the ones of the Grandmas! The ears are priceless. What is more than amazing to me is that the pictures of Grammy (me) and Haley are the best pictures I've ever taken in my life...just goes to show what true happiness and digital photography (pick a few out of the thousands!) can do.
