Monday, April 6, 2009

Makenna comes over & Taco Night

OK I should start by warning you that I took a TON of pictures today so here goes nothing! Cousin Crystal was home today so Haley got to spend a little time with her in the morning.
Haley then decided she wanted to follow in Dads footsteps and became obsessed with a USB computer cable. After I took the photo I realized that the boy had come to pose for the photo and I had rudely cropped him out so another photo HAD to be taken. After breakfast and a little nap we ran to Freddie's to get drapes (that darn sun has been waking the girl up MUCH too early) and some fresh fruit for Haley (gotta love the Magic Bullet.) After our quick errand we came home and Makenna came over to play for the afternoon. As soon as they saw each other they both started screaming gleefully and were so excited to see each other. They are so adorable! The girls had SO much fun playing together! Makenna was so fascinated by the cats (Kristine is allergic so no kitties at home). This is how Makenna informed us that she could see the cat. So funny.

The girls played on the floor together. Makenna got lots of toys out and brought them over to Haley and then she sat and they played together, it was adorable. They liked to play with the peek-a-blocks. I put Haley up on the couch to sit for a little bit because she was getting tired and Makenna immediately wanted to get up on the couch. She sat right next to Haley and they looked at books together. What brainy babies! Haley took a long nap during Makenna's visit - she was pooped after all their fun! Makeena heard Haley fuss a little upstairs and ran to the baby gate and pointed up the stairs yelling at us to make sure we knew Haley was making noise. So cute! After Haley went to sleep Makenna was pretty tuckered out too but she was not gonna take a nap. She did sit with me and drink her bottle and relax a bit though. Even Tank was tuckered out! After about twenty minutes she was ready to go again! She played with toys a little more until Howie came and picked her up - she was SO happy to see her Daddy. Haley woke up a little later and played in her jumperoo for a little bit.She figured out that she could lift her legs up and swing in the jumperoo which seemed to truly delight her! Haley ate some food and got a nice bath. When she was sitting on the couch after getting in pajamas she twisted her body and made herself fall toward the laptop - again proving she is ready to follow in Dad's footsteps! Then we had Taco night with Grandma & Grandpa Egbert. While we were getting dinner ready Grandpa had Haley in the living room. When I poked my head out to check on them I found that Grandpa had her sitting in a cardboard box. She was having a great time hitting her toys against the side and rocking back and forth! Taco's were yummy and the company was great! After so many great visits from friends & family Haley was ready for bed and barely made a peep when we put her to bed :)


  1. Totally cute pictures! I'm so grateful to have you and Roy in our lives. It's so nice that I have no worries when you watch Makenna. Thank you for watching her today and thank you for taking pictures! The picture of Haley and Makenna on the floor is hilarious... talk about some thunder thighs on my Chunk!!

  2. What a wonderful day you had! I LOVE the boxed baby picture! It's so nice for Haley to have a friend to play with. Makenna is such a sweet baby with some set of lungs on her (she may be destined for the opera house!
