Friday, April 24, 2009

Annie & Chloe Come Visit

Today we had Chloe & Annie come over to play. Today Annie turned 1! It seems like she was just born yesterday! Annie, Chloe & Haley all played together. Both the younger girls took a nap at the same time - Annie in the crib & Haley on our bed. During their naps Roy went and picked up Hayden (to spend the night) & got Alex from school. After the babies woke up we all walked to the park together. Alex asked us "What would you do if all these kids were yours?" - if things keep going the way they have in the last month it could very well be reality! I would lose the will... We had a lot of fun at the park! Alex helped Chloe on the slide.Roy pushed the girls in the swing.
Both girls really loved swinging! Even Hayden got into it. I told Hayden I would push him and then kept smacking him on the rear when he swung by me :) I asked him if he wanted me to keep pushing him and he said "No I'm good"- hee hee! We all walked back home together - it was nice to have the older kids around to help with the younger ones. Hayden is such a great young man (offered to push Annie's stroller without being asked) & Alex is sweet as can be (offered to watch Haley during the evening so Roy & I could relax). I love having both of them around. Oh, Alex has decided to call me Maja - I like it :)

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