Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The best $10 I have ever spent!

So the play tent continues to be a hit! I picked it up off of Craigslist for ten bucks and it was certainly worth it! Haley and Makenna spent most of the afternoon playing in it together. When Haley went down for a short nap Makenna ate some cheese and drank her milk inside of it. Other than Makenna's short visit the only other "news worthy" item today was the arrival of our official Foster Home Certification! Hurray we are officially certified to provide Haley a foster home for the next two years! Hopefully things we go a little quicker than two years but it was still fun to get the certificate :)

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful that you have her at a minimum for two years! YEAH!!! Get her used to camping in-doors and she'll be hard to train to do the cold, wet out-doors style!
