Saturday, April 25, 2009

Another Whirlwind Day in the Egbert Household!

Today was hectic from the start except for a couple of us :)Hayden & Alex helped watch Haley while Roy & I tried to get ready for the upcoming day. Hayden is so cute with Haley! :)
We woke up and had to get started on getting everyone ready for the days activities. We had Henry over for the weekend so we spent the morning letting the dogs play and get some of their energy out. Alex spent the day with her cousin at the mountain so we had to get her ready to go before we got ourselves out the door. After Alex was gone Roy & I got ready and took Haley to Annie's 1st Birthday :) Annie was pretty excited to dive into her cake. Haley had fun people watching and playing with the other babies! Hayden stayed at our house and got ready for the day (and played wii) so we had to swing by and pick him up to take him to Wunderland. Hayden had won a prize of admission for ten people at Wunderland from a drawing at school so we met Shoe, Jeff, & Tayler at the arcade and we all played games. I rocked the house and won 998 tickets (not bad for $5) :) While we were at Wunderland Tayler asked if she took take Haley around with her. She was really cute with her. Haley liked sitting on Tay's lap while she played a driving game. She liked all the bright lights and how the game bounced! After Wunderland we came home and ate some food. The girl was so messy after her snack she needed a bath. The new bath seat is so great! Haley loves sitting in it and splashing around. It lets her sit up and lean over without worrying that she will fall over - so nice! Haley fell asleep at 6:30 and despite our attempts she would not get back up so she was a tired girl (I am sure I am also going to be a tired girl when I have to get up with her at three in the morning since she went to bed so early)...all in all a fun day!

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