Monday, April 13, 2009

Purple Tutu's & The Mall With Aunt Alex

My girl & I spent a quiet morning & early afternoon at home today. She slept in really late (oh poor me!) until almost ten! She played with Mom and ate some yummy food! Haley wore the cutest purple tutu today (the shirt says "Mommy's Little Wakeup Call") Mom went a little nuts taking pictures of her...she looked so cute! In the afternoon we picked Alex up from school and met Grandma Egbert at the mall. Alex looked so cute today! She was just beaming! She told me everyone kept saying she looked really good today. It is nice to see her SO happy! We went to Clackamas Town Center and bought Alex a couple pairs of shoes & some earrings (we were planning on getting her ears re-pierced but when we got there the lady was able to push a starter earring through - yay for us since she didn't charge us anything!) After the mall we went home and Alex started her homework (and showed me her 100% math quiz from Friday :) & her 96% for the term progress report in Language Arts!) while Dad made spaghetti dinner :) Such a good Dad! Paul stopped by and played with Haley. She really likes Paul :) I harassed Paul until he let me put earrings on him and take pictures (I told him he could chose - 1. let me shave his head 2. let Alex write on his forehead with a Sharpie 3. Wear my wedding dress 4. Let me do his makeup & nails or 5. Dangly earrings and photo shoot) Alex & I had great fun! Paul is a REALLY good sport (some might even call him saintly!) He really should beat me up but somehow he still manages to like me...or at least he pretends to.

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