Thursday, April 30, 2009

A Night Off

We took a much needed night off tonight. The girls went over to Grandma & Grandpa Egbert's. Roy and I spent alone time together while the girls spent time with their Grandparents.We made it a point to not run errands, not do chores - just spend time together. It was great and much needed. Alex was a sweetheart and took some great photos during her visit with the Grandparents. It was nice to take a real break - things have been so hectic lately!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The best $10 I have ever spent!

So the play tent continues to be a hit! I picked it up off of Craigslist for ten bucks and it was certainly worth it! Haley and Makenna spent most of the afternoon playing in it together. When Haley went down for a short nap Makenna ate some cheese and drank her milk inside of it. Other than Makenna's short visit the only other "news worthy" item today was the arrival of our official Foster Home Certification! Hurray we are officially certified to provide Haley a foster home for the next two years! Hopefully things we go a little quicker than two years but it was still fun to get the certificate :)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Alex's Band Field Trip

Today I chaperoned Alex's band field trip. We all rode a school bus to Canby High School. The bus was loud and stinky - pretty much the same as I remembered it. I then followed her band around for five hours :) They practiced some and then played in front of some "judges" that gave them tips after their performance. For lunch the kids all were able to eat at one of three nearby restaurants. Alex let me come with her friends to Taco Bell - I say let because all the other parent chaperone's were "shunned" and told to go to different restaurants than the kids they were accompanying. After lunch we listened to a couple other bands play and then headed back home on the bus. Yay! When we got to school I realized that my keys had fallen out of my purse! Oh no! We searched Alex's school and then the buses in the bus luck! Roy had to come get us and then we had to drive out to Canby to find my keys :( Luckily a janitor was able to meet us and let me in the auditorium - Presto! My keys were in back of the seat I had been sitting in! So basically I had a LONG day that was not the most impressive. I missed my Circle of Security class and I am POOPED!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Sorry Folks

So Mom has a little cold and the girl is teething so neither of us felt up for photos today. The top two front teeth are poking through and causing our poor daughter a lot of distress! We spent most of the day at home being lazy and trying to recuperate. We did venture out for a grocery shopping trip. Mom couponed it up and was able to get $215 worth of groceries for $105 - Go Mom! Well, I am going to chaperone a band field trip tomorrow so I better get some sleep! Since I did not take any photos today I thought it would be fun to compare a photo of Haley from our December visit and one from last week...she sure has changed!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Aunt Kate Turns 40 (aka Aunt Kate is OLD)

Today we took the family & Grandma Egbert to Kate's 40th birthday party at the Raccoon Lodge. It was great fun! The food was so yummy - salmon penne (Uncle just barfed a little in his mouth...again) :) Haley loved spending time with all her family! Everyone had to get their Haley time :) Even some of Kate's zoo friends ended up requesting the baby be sent to their table :) It is so fun how everyone dotes on her! When we walked in Grammy immediately put her hands out to take Haley but was one upped by Uncle who stood up and took her first :) I am sure Grammy will not be fooled again! :) I do not know why Rich puts up with me (or why anyone puts up with me actually) but I again forced him into wearing things so I could take photos. I do not know what babies Uncle Rich has been hanging out with (obviously not my beautiful girl) but this is the face he made when I told him to act like a baby - lol! After much cheek pinching, face kissing & zerberts, Haley was DONE! We were not out of the parking lot before she was sound asleep! Today was a really great day! Happy Birthday Aunt Kate! We love you!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Another Whirlwind Day in the Egbert Household!

Today was hectic from the start except for a couple of us :)Hayden & Alex helped watch Haley while Roy & I tried to get ready for the upcoming day. Hayden is so cute with Haley! :)
We woke up and had to get started on getting everyone ready for the days activities. We had Henry over for the weekend so we spent the morning letting the dogs play and get some of their energy out. Alex spent the day with her cousin at the mountain so we had to get her ready to go before we got ourselves out the door. After Alex was gone Roy & I got ready and took Haley to Annie's 1st Birthday :) Annie was pretty excited to dive into her cake. Haley had fun people watching and playing with the other babies! Hayden stayed at our house and got ready for the day (and played wii) so we had to swing by and pick him up to take him to Wunderland. Hayden had won a prize of admission for ten people at Wunderland from a drawing at school so we met Shoe, Jeff, & Tayler at the arcade and we all played games. I rocked the house and won 998 tickets (not bad for $5) :) While we were at Wunderland Tayler asked if she took take Haley around with her. She was really cute with her. Haley liked sitting on Tay's lap while she played a driving game. She liked all the bright lights and how the game bounced! After Wunderland we came home and ate some food. The girl was so messy after her snack she needed a bath. The new bath seat is so great! Haley loves sitting in it and splashing around. It lets her sit up and lean over without worrying that she will fall over - so nice! Haley fell asleep at 6:30 and despite our attempts she would not get back up so she was a tired girl (I am sure I am also going to be a tired girl when I have to get up with her at three in the morning since she went to bed so early)...all in all a fun day!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Annie & Chloe Come Visit

Today we had Chloe & Annie come over to play. Today Annie turned 1! It seems like she was just born yesterday! Annie, Chloe & Haley all played together. Both the younger girls took a nap at the same time - Annie in the crib & Haley on our bed. During their naps Roy went and picked up Hayden (to spend the night) & got Alex from school. After the babies woke up we all walked to the park together. Alex asked us "What would you do if all these kids were yours?" - if things keep going the way they have in the last month it could very well be reality! I would lose the will... We had a lot of fun at the park! Alex helped Chloe on the slide.Roy pushed the girls in the swing.
Both girls really loved swinging! Even Hayden got into it. I told Hayden I would push him and then kept smacking him on the rear when he swung by me :) I asked him if he wanted me to keep pushing him and he said "No I'm good"- hee hee! We all walked back home together - it was nice to have the older kids around to help with the younger ones. Hayden is such a great young man (offered to push Annie's stroller without being asked) & Alex is sweet as can be (offered to watch Haley during the evening so Roy & I could relax). I love having both of them around. Oh, Alex has decided to call me Maja - I like it :)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

No School for Alex & Day at the Park

Alex did not have school today - but does tomorrow (kinda weird) so she had her friend Emily spend the night last night. Today they hung out at the house together while I ran a few errands with Haley (including seeing Uncle - hurray!) When I got back the girls took Haley for a walk to the park and hung out on a blanket for a little bit. I came and picked Haley up a short while later and they stayed at the park giggling and texting in the semi-sun :) Haley and Mom hung out some more and ate some yummy finger foods - she is getting pretty good at the self feeding. She can get larger items into her mouth but the smaller stuff is still a little tricky! Roy was working in Olympia today so I took all three girls to Buster's for some dinner before dropping Emily off at home. Dad was back home when we returned and we spent a quiet evening enjoying the girl. Haley has really started laughing a lot. She likes it when Mom comes and "gets her" - she shrieks and giggles with delight!
So awesome! I did not think it was possible but she gets cuter every day!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Not feeling so hot :( but still cute as ever!

Haley has a little cold AND her top front teeth have just started breaking through - so she may have been a little cranky. We spent the day at home playing and trying to soothe the sweet one. The tent remains a big hit for Haley - and now Say So. Oh, and also Tank :) Between her naps Haley was pretty subdued but she did have a few burst of energy that we took advantage of. We also took advantage of the short break of sun in the otherwise dreary day. I love watching these two love each other! Tank also enjoyed the sunny day. I had to include this video of Tank "knocking my socks off!" Crazy Dog!
We gave Haley a bath tonight in her new tub seat. She loves it. She loves being in the big bath and being able to splash around - I love knowing she is not going to tip over! I love smelling Haley especially right after her bath! What a sweet princess. I can not believe how lucky I am!