Monday, June 1, 2009

Papa's Birthday

The morning was spent cleaning, running errands & playing with Haley. Haley's case worker stopped by for an impromptu visit. She said everything was going along well and just visited with us for a while. We spent the rest of the afternoon hanging out at home and getting ready to go out to dinner.
Today was Papa's birthday - let's just leave it at he is OLD!
We met Grammy, Papa, Uncle & Paul at Applebee's for a little birthday dinner. Haley had fun visiting with her family.
We had a great time just laughing & visiting & watching the girl.

Haley loved it when Grammy was giving her little bits of water through the straw -so cute!
She loved being to eat dinner with us too! She got a little bit from everyones dinner :)
She is always so happy - she is just delightful!
It is no wonder she always steals the attention when she comes into a room :)

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful day, what wonderful pictures! I really enjoyed our time together. I hope Alex loves us as much as we love her. She's such a good sport with all of our ribbing! It's fun to see such a great picture of Papa having a delightful time on his big day.
