Monday, June 8, 2009

Another Tooth!

Today Haley had another tooth on the top break through! It did not seem to bother her much - thankfully :) If it is possible it made her slightly cuter! I can not believe how quickly she is growing and changing - everyday it is something new!
Haley spent most of the day playing and visiting with family. Crystal was home and Haley always loves to see her. Grandma Egbert came over too!
Grandma watched Haley and let Mom get some much needed chores done. She is such a lifesaver! It felt really great to get some of things done around the house, finally! Grandma got Haley a new ball toy. She would pick up two and then try with all her might to stretch her pinky finger enough to grab a third one. She was not successful in the endeavor but it was sure cute to watch her try!
After house cleaning was done we made some fajitas and had a great dinner with Grandma. Grandpa has not been feeling well again :( so he stayed home. I hope that he will be feeling better tomorrow so he can come see his girls!

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