Thursday, June 4, 2009

A Day For The Birds

Today Roy noticed a strange nest laying on the ground behind our car. I carefully inspected it and determined it was some sort of nest, however it was cylindrical rather than basket shaped. When I was positive it was not a wasp nest I carefully took two sticks and opened up one end of the object. To my utter surprise there were SEVEN baby birds inside!
They were so small and helpless - thankfully I stopped Roy before he had stepped on that nest!
We quickly went inside and consulted the Internet. We found out the best thing to do would be to put the nest in a small box and put back in the tree. We found a small basket and carefully tied it into the branches of the tree.

I think we saw the Momma bird this afternoon but she flew away too fast to be sure so we are just keeping an eye on the basket from a distance. I sure hope those sweet babies survive! After the exciting afternoon of bird rescue we all headed over to Uncles for dinner. Dinner at Uncles has become a major event in the Egbert home - all of us were SO excited to go because the food is always SO yummy! Tonight was no exception! Uncle made spaghetti and we all really enjoyed it - even Haley!
She was covered in orange sauce, she even had a noodle stuck on her eyebrow!
It was so adorable! It is so fun watching her just go nuts with her food - shoveling it in and just having a great time! It was a great dinner and we even took home leftovers (which Grandpa Egbert has already called about trying to get in on - I tell you RJ's cooking is something not to be missed!)

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