Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Summer Is Almost Here...

Makenna came over for a bit in the morning and the girls played together. Haley gets so excited to see Makenna. She squeals with delight and starts flapping her arms around - it is pretty cute! Makenna used to be sort of afraid of Tank - but apparently she is over that.
He is such a spoiled boy! Tomorrow is the last day of school for Alex so she decided (along with a few girlfriends) to dress up for school today. She looked really great!
Tank thought she looked really pretty too :)
Other than that our day was REALLY boring - took some items to the consignment shop, got our flat tire fixed & bought Haley some yogurt bite at Babies R Us - told you, boring. :) Grandma & Grandpa Egbert did stop by and had a little dinner with us. We all had polenta and Haley while Haley insisted on trying to eat a whole tomato. You would be shocked to see how much of that tomato she actually ate!
Mom is super tired so she is going to get some shut eye. I will attempt some sort of mischief tomorrow in order to have a better story for the blog tomorrow ;)

1 comment:

  1. Alex looks ADORABLE!!! Of course she'd say that was a dispicable comment!

    What a sweet tomotoe girl our Haley is!

    Love you Ma
