Saturday, June 27, 2009

Bathing Beauty & Jonas Brothers

So today Haley had spaghetti for lunch. She really liked it, obviously.
She certainly is a big fan of food! :) After lunch Mom thought, call me crazy, that Haley needed a bath.
In the tub Haley went!
Haley just loves playing in the tub!
She was having so much fun and looking so cute that Mom could not resist taking about a million photos!
Silly Mom!
Just as Haley was finishing her bath, Grandma Egbert came over to play. We wrapped Haley in her monkey towel.
Grandma dried her off and got her ready to play!
Just as we started to play Mom received a call from her Auntie Robyn with the terrific news that she was able to wrangle up a ticket to the Jonas Brothers for Alex! Auntie Robyn was almost as excited to tell me as I was to tell Alex! Alex was at her friend's house swimming so I called her to tell her I had something I wanted to tell her (not bad!) and headed on over. When Grandma & I got there she ran out with Emily to see what the news was (later I found out she was convinced I was coming to tell her I was pregnant - not this time!) Her reaction was priceless.
After she got over the initial shock she ran around screaming and grabbing her stuff so she could go meet her future husband, Nick Jonas :) On the way back to the house Alex was literally crying because she was so excited - so cute! After she took a shower and changed (what ever would she wear?) she was off! She is still at the concert but she took my camera so I will be sure to put up some photos tomorrow!

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