Thursday, June 18, 2009

Just One of Those Days

Today was just one of those days - things didn't go horribly wrong, they just refused to go right. Everything took three times longer than it should have & Haley's schedule was just a little "off" - she just now went down to bed (11:05!) Surprising since she barely took a nap. C'est la vie. Anyway not too much exciting to share other than Haley really is crawling forward now. She only does it sporadically and only can go a few feet but none the less - progress! Any day now she will be cruising around, sharing her cuteness with the world! She definitely likes the new found freedom and LOVES being able to pull herself up on things and stand there.
What a strong girl!
She just gives you the greatest looks!
Look at me Mom! :)
It is a new show every day!

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