Sunday, June 14, 2009

Small BBQ With Friends

So I took a little video for all of you who have not been able to see how Haley is moving now :) She really is getting the hang of moving her body around. I know it is not to fabulously exciting but I think it is pretty cute!
Most of the morning was spent just like that - playing on the floor with occasional breaks for snacks & naps. This afternoon Alex went over to Grandma's to visit with Lynn & Kayla. While she hung out there Roy & I stayed home and had Taunya, Ron, Aiden & Jesse over for a small BBQ.
It was fun to see Ron & Taunya - I have not seen them in years! Their little boy, Aiden, is really cute and had a lot of fun playing with Haley. He would make the cheesiest grins at Haley - so cute! Aiden really like balls so I of course had to get the ball pit out. He thought it was the greatest. He played in it with Haley and they had a great time passing the balls back and forth.
Then Taunya, Aiden & Haley all played on the floor with Haley's new ball toy. It was so adorable! They had a great time!
I made up the Mac & Cheese that Aunt Kate got us and it was a HUGE hit! Aiden & Haley could not get enough (Mom didn't think it was half bad either...)
After all that playing the kids were pooped so Ron & Taunya took Aiden home. Jesse hung out for a bit more and played with Haley. He was also fortunate to be able to witness the three diaper changes we had in one hour - fun! It was nice to hang out with Jes, I do not see him enough! Tonight was a great night with great friends I have not seen in forever - can't ask for too much more!

1 comment:

  1. Aiden is a darling! I can't believe how strong Haley's getting. It's not going to be long before she's terrorizing the neighborhood! Keep up the good work.
