Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Zoo Trip

Today I took Haley & Makenna and met Renee, Chloe & Annie at the zoo.
It was a great time. We put both carseats in the car. The girls cooed and giggled at each other the whole way there.
We got to the zoo, I put both the girls in the double stroller and we were off!
We had a really great time looking at all the animals. I really like the warthogs
and the turtles :)
We stopped and let Chloe play at the sandbox near Stellar Cove.
Chloe really liked walking around with Makenna - it was pretty cute!
By the end of the day Makenna & Haley were pooped! They both fell asleep in the stroller.
Needless to say the ride home was not as loud as the ride there! :)


  1. sleepy babes are so cute! What a big day you had! It looks like you had a lot of fun.

  2. Awww! Those pictures are so precious! Thanks for sharing. I love seeing my niece playing with her best friend Haley - so adorable!
