Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Another BBQ & Batboy!

Today Alex came home from camping with Crystal. She said she had a hard time the first night but all in all had a good time. She was pretty tired and ready for a shower though! Crystal took some really cute photos during their trip.
This photo is by far the best - she is digging a hole to "do her business" and apparently wanted some privacy - the look on her face is priceless!
After a shower Alex was ready to join the family for a BBQ with the Grandparents. We made burgers and Grammy brought over potato & pasta salad - yum! After dinner Grammy, Papa, Haley & I all went on a stroll.
The weather was great and it was nice to walk and chat with the Grammy & Papa! After our walk we ate some strawberry shortcake and sat around and visited.
We took the opportunity to get another family photo.
And one of just Grammy, Papa & the girls.
I love having family over for dinner! It always gives us something to look forward to and Haley always has such a good time! After Grammy & Papa left I laid down on the couch with Tank.
Before I knew what happened he had turned into his alter ego -Batboy! Ha! I love that dog!

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