Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Daddy Not Feeling Well

Daddy had an upset tummy today so Haley & Mom pretty much stayed at home enjoying each other's company. Makenna came over for a short while this morning but the girls were on opposite schedules - other than for a few minutes they were sleeping at opposite times. Needless to say with Dad being under the weather Mom did not manage to take many (OK, OK, Any) photos today :( Mom apologizes to all of the adoring fans and promises some for tomorrow! Hopefully Dad will be feeling better tomorrow! Sorry for the short one tonight but Mom got up with Haley at 6am so she is pooped! Love you all and I promise a more interesting post tomorrow! :)

1 comment:

  1. You're doing so well with the blog that I can hardly complain when you don't have pictures once in awhile.
    Love you, get Roy feeling better.
