Sunday, June 7, 2009

Playdates & Pulling Up

Well Alex seems to have caught the bug :( She spent most of the day curled up on the couch trying to rest and not throw up. Poor girl! She hid from me - luckily she does not check my blog that often so she won't squeal in horror at me for posting this photo :)
Haley, however, seemed her old self again. Her friend Annie came over to play with her.
They had a great time with the peek-a-blocks.
Haley is really getting a personality! She would holler at Annie anytime she tried to crawl away - she did not want Annie out of her sight! Haley really loves other kids - I feel lucky to have such great friends that have children close to Haley's age! After Annie went home Mom & Dad took Haley to Costco to get some household items (Alex stayed to moan on the couch.) Haley thought the big thing of laundry detergent we got at Costco was SO cool!
She thought it was really neat that she could grab on to the top and lift herself off the ground. She got a big kick out of pulling herself up and just kinda squatting there.
She is getting so big! I can not believe she is now strong enough to pull her own weight up without any help from Mom! Grandma Egbert came by in the evening to play with Haley in the bath while Mom & Dad worked their tails off cleaning and organizing the kitchen. My feet sure hurt but the kitchen looks great and the flow is much better - gotta love a nice flow :)
Bonus Photo!
Last night Alex & I watched a 3-D Horror movie and I wanted to share the photo :) Even Tank had a pair of 3-D glasses!

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