Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Dinner at Uncles

Today we spent the day at home getting chores done and hanging out with Haley. We got her a swing for outside a couple weeks ago and we finally got a chance to hang it up.
Tank came out to supervise.
We put it up in the cherry tree out back - which is FULL of cherries right now. I would think about eating them if I was not worried about the toxic waste that is covering them from being right next to 92nd...of well at least they are pretty to look at.
Tonight Roy, Haley & I (Alex is still camping) went to Uncle's for dinner.
He made something called "something I can not pronounce let alone spell so lets just call it rice and chicken." :) It was really yummy and we got leftovers. Haley loves going to Uncle's because she gets yummy dinner- but best of all desert! When we fed her some sponge cake with berries she went nuts! She was screaming at us, waving her arms around and generally going crazy! I tried to tell her that all her freaking out was not going to get me to feed her faster but she seemed to disagree. Crazy girl - not that I can blame her, Unlce's food IS good!
After dinner we hung out with Uncle and Haley tried on Uncle's hat for Africa. I think she is ready to go on Safari!
I love going over to Uncle's. Why wouldn't I? Great food, great company, great night!

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