Saturday, June 13, 2009

Graduation & Birhtday Parties!

Today the whole family went to Aunt Cyndi's for a graduation party for Christina (top in her class for Criminology at PSU!) and an early birthday party for Cyndi (she is OLD, old as Aunt Kate actually.)
It was really fun because Aunt Chere was in town from Canada and she was able to meet Haley for the first time! Aunt Chere has two boys of her own (three & four) but they stayed up North. We did, however, get to see the fabulous scrapbook Grammy had made now filled with great photos!
Danny & Owen are so cute! I can not wait for Haley to meet them! Haley got to spend time with a lot of her other family too; Grammy, Papa, Aunt Christina, Aunt Cyndi, Uncle Scott & Cousins Katy & Sandy. It was nice to see everyone. Uncle Scott and I had a really nice talk and I think we might be able to rope him into taking the Egbert's out on his new toy - a really cool boat! Mom is part fish so she was really excited! :) It was a really fun evening. We sat on a blanket in Aunt Cyndi's BEAUTIFUL yard (she is pretty incredible, the yard is immaculate and she has a really amazing pond) and ate yummy BBQ chicken & potato salad. Cyndi's dog, Stan Lee, made sure we all knew he was there in case we had extra food we could not finish :)
Haley had a great time! She was bouncing and eating and shrieking (hurray still shrieking!) As we were leaving Alex told me she had a really good time.
I like that she really loves hanging out with her new family - they all certainly enjoy her being a part of it! My camera battery died in the middle of the party :( so I did not get as many photos as I wanted (I need to get me a backup!)

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful family!! Chere says she has pictures of Alex and Mom & Roy and Haley that she'll send! What a great day this was.
