Friday, June 12, 2009

Squealing with Delight - not so delightful :)

So Haley has learned how to shriek with, lets call it delight. She does it when she is content and playing. She will just sit there, play, and squeal at the top of her lungs! Uncle got quite the earful when he called this afternoon so he understands my pain. Of course when I tried to record it for all of you to enjoy she became camera shy. She made a small shriek for me - but seriously you have no idea!
RJ told me it will be a short phase (but I think it is only because I MADE him tell me it would be a SHORT phase) :) Luckily Haley spends the rest of her time being cute as ever - so it kinda makes up for the loud shrieking harpy part :) She is really moving around now! She doesn't really crawl (at least not forwards) but she moves all around the room using various twists, turns, rolls & pulls.
She really loves her new found freedom. Her favorite thing to do is army crawl over to something (a box, the side of the couch, pretty much anything that is bigger than her) and attempt with all her might to pull herself up. She still can only get into a squatting position but man does she try! She is going to be a real go getter - just like her mom - I hear it coming..."I do it myself!" Even though school ended for Alex she had to go in this morning to play in the band at the eighth grade graduation. After we met Jeff & Shoe at Biscuits for breakfast. While we were there Haley tried a little piece of lemon. OK I am a little mean mom but it was really cute and it was just a lemon :) Her sour puss face was so funny!
Later, Alex's two friends, Haley (good name) & Emily came to spend the night. The girls took Haley & Tank on a walk to the park. Haley just loves hanging out with the girls. When they got back the three of them got ready to go play laser tag.
So now the teens are at laser tag, Haley is sound asleep & Mom is going to be VERY soon. I made the smart deal of taking the girls to laser tag at 8pm & Dad gets to pick them up at 11:30 - Mom is no fool :) Anyway need to get some sleep, tomorrow Haley & Alex get to meet their Aunt Chere from Canada for the first time! It will be such a fun day!

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