Monday, June 22, 2009

The Girl & Grammy - a striking pair!

Crystal was home today so I took the opportunity to take a photo of the cousins. :)
Today Grammy took Haley while I made me some money (I needed after Auntie Shoe RUDELY stole my money on Saturday!) :) Upon arriving home this evening I realized that I was going to have great trouble writing a blog about Haley's day since I had not been much a part of it :( Grammy was kind enough to create some Haley "cliff notes" Since Mom is pooped I will leave you with the Cliff Note version...
Haley & Grammy had a wonderful day together.
1. On the ride to the Westside Haley took a nap in the car
a. Grammy, concerned that the babe needed the sleep drove around through Hillsdale and environs to stretch the ride, but clearly that wasn't long enough
b. in desperation, she drove to Grammy & Papa's house, left Haley sleeping and scooted into the house to call friend Sadie to say, "we're coming over"...mostly because it's a bit of a drive that would give H. more sleep time.
2. Arrived at Sadie's in time for Haley to wake up and be her charming self.
a. Sadie had son Alex's two Australian Sheep Dogs visiting from Arizona, after their initial barking frenzy they calmed down and licked both Grammy and Haley nigh on to death! Not very treacherous dogs, to say the least!
b. Sadie tried to hold Haley, but she was having none of it. Grammy was where she wanted to be and Grammy loved it!
3. Headed to Grammy's
a. Had LINNER (ok, afternoon snack) canned peaches and cottage cheese and a biscuit...what a mess and what fun Haley had smushing it everywhere!
b. Grammy swabs the deck and the kid and they go for some play time in the living room. Grammy puts four toys in four corners of the room and Haley takes off crawling. However, Grammy spots the fact that the cleanup job from snack time was not the best since she'd missed the peach juice on the back of the little one's legs...after a quick trip to the kitchen sink (2nd go round) a sparkling baby is back on the hunt for toys. All four are found and crawling technique improves tremendously!
4. Papa comes home from work & takes a nap, but not before Haley crawls from livingroom into the kitchen to get his attention.
a. Post nap time for Papa, we're off to dinner at Red Robin. Haley enjoys all of the attention from everyone in the restaurant and has her dinner all over herself, Grammy, Papa and the floor! A bit of chicken from Grammy's sandwich, tomatoes chopped up, a French fry (Papa's big idea, which Haley completely devourered much to Grammy's chagrin) and another biscuit!
b. The ride home led to another long nap, this time mostly spent in the carport with Grammy watching and waiting for Daddy to come pick up the well napped, fed and exercised darling!

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