Sunday, June 21, 2009

The streak is over...

With much regret I post this too late in the evening/morning to maintain my EVERY day status - but I figure late is better than never. Mom is up late after a fun evening of BBQ & poker with friends :) Liz, my sorority sister from college, came over with her boyfriend Ty, along with Jeff, Shoe & Hayden. We had a great time eating burgers, chatting and playing a friendly game of Texas Hold 'Em. I had a great time and so did Haley! Haley was fascinated with Ty and was so happy when Liz read her Goodnight Moon before bed. It is so nice to have friends who love to hang out with Haley as much as I do! So the BIG news today is Haley is crawling. As I mentioned before she has been crawling a few "steps" here and there - today however she figured it out and was on the go! It was amazing! Out of nowhere she just started crawling, after that there was no
stopping her! What an amazing girl we have!

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