Thursday, June 25, 2009

Man, I am slipping!

I can not believe that I missed another day! Roy was in Olympia working all day so I had asked Grandma Egbert to come over during the evening to play with Haley so I could get some of chores around the house done. When Grandma got her she looked at me and told me that I looked exhausted and should lay down for a little nap...that was at 7pm...I woke up at 7:55 AM! Apparently I passed out - on top of the covers, on Roy's side. When Roy came up during the evening he didn't have the heart to wake me up so he just rolled me onto my side and let me sleep. I guess I needed it! :) Let me say, though, that my first thought upon wakinf this morning was "Oh no! My Blog!" :) Luckily I do have a great photo of Haley & Dad to make up for it!

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy your blog honey. Don't be a slave to it. Haley will appreciate your dilligence and not notice a missed day. We who love you are only concerned that you are taking care of yourself, we know you take care of everyone else that you know!
