Thursday, June 11, 2009

Another Day In Paradise

Seriously I thought yesterday was lame...Today was filled with horrible traffic jams, appointments, WIC offices & Haley letting loose in the tub again. Oh well. Haley and Mom did get to play together today so it made it all worth it. She is just a crack up. She will try to pull herself up on ANYTHING she possibly can. She is getting so strong! Today I helped her stand up next to her toy block and she held on to it and stood there for several minutes!
She is just growing everyday - in every way! Today was also Alex's last day of school. It was a little bittersweet for her. It is hard not knowing for sure if we will be able to keep her at Alder Creek or not. I know no matter what it will all work out the way it is supposed to.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a kind of kinky day, ups and downs, joys and partings. Alex will have a wonderful summer and a family that loves her. She's a lucky girl!
