Sunday, June 28, 2009

Mom & Dad's Day Off!

We were up last last night because of the hustle & bustle of Alex coming home from The Jonas Brothers concert. Haley did not go to bed until after 11 PM! Since she went down so late, Haley ended up sleeping until after 10 AM - no complaints here! :) Haley ate a late breakfast and played on the floor for a bit. Alex had agreed to babysit Haley this afternoon so Mom & Dad could go out to lunch together - hurray! When we got home from our lunch we were surprised by Grandma Egbert who scooped up both girls and took off for the rest of the afternoon/evening. Mom & Dad were not expecting this break but were SO grateful to have it! Now we can start the week off fresh, ready to tackle the next crazy thing that gets thrown our way! :)

1 comment:

  1. So happy to hear that you guys got some time together and some time off. What a wonderful Sunday you've had. It helps you be better Mom and Dad. Love you!
