Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Cheesy Grins & Salon Day with Grammy

So Haley has MASTERED the cheesy grin. She scrunches her face up and smiles with all her might...so cute!
Haley is such a crack up! Other than cracking Mom & Dad up Haley spent her morning playing with Makenna. Now that she can crawl she can really play with the other babies! They had a lot of fun but all the playing sure made Haley hungry! She feasted on fettuccine & chicken.
Needless to say she liked it! She just kept shoveling in. By the end of lunch she was a big creamy mess, but boy was she happy!
After Makenna went home I took the girls to meet Grammy in Beaverton. Grammy took Alex to the hair salon and got her a cut and style. Here is Alex before...
And After...
What a pretty girl! Grammy also took us to Powell's and bought each of us a book (ok I admit that Mom's book was more for Haley...) We had a great time with Grammy & Alex looks great!

1 comment:

  1. What beautiful children you have! I LOVE Alex's new "do". I had so much fun with you guys!
