Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Alex's Final Band Concert

This morning Makenna came over to visit AND Nicole, the early interventionist, came to visit Haley. Haley was too busy playing with Makenna to take a nap before Nicole came over so we were really impressed with how hard Haley worked! Even though she was sleepy she did all the exercises Nicole wanted to work on with her! Nicole is still really impressed with Haley's progress! She says she is going to start crawling any minute! After Nicole left Haley fell right asleep! Makenna took the opportunity to play with all the ball put balls - not in the frog of course, cause that is scary! :)
She really had a "ball." She kept rolling around the room and throwing the balls everywhere!
Even Tank got in on the fun!
After our afternoon of fun we all got ready to go to Alex's final band concert.
Roy, Haley & I met Papa at the concert but after about twenty minutes Dad had to take the girl home - she was just TOO tired! She fell asleep in the car and has been sound asleep ever since. I had a great time with Papa at the concert. It was actually kind of more special just being him & I. Alex's band did SO great! It was the best concert I have been to yet!
She was really excited after the concert because she felt she had done really well! Since Dad had taken Haley home in the car, Papa took Alex & me home. He is such a good Papa. It was a really great night!


  1. I'm so happy that Papa went to the concert. He REALLY enjoyed it and the time he got to spend with the lovely Egbert family!

  2. Such sweet pictures of my Makenna!! She's a funny girl!!! Thank you again Kelly for watching her. It means the world to us. :)
