Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day

Today we went to Grammy & Papa's to have a Father's Day brunch. Haley wore her frog dress so she could impress Grammy (Grammy LOVES frogs, ya know)
Suzanne, Hayden, Kate & Rich came over to celebrate the day with us. It was very low key and relaxed. Haley played on the floor and visited with all her family. Rich laid on the floor with Haley - she was completely enthralled with her Uncle Rich! :)
After all the yummy food and great company, Haley was all tuckered out. Luckily, there was a Grammy shoulder not too far away! So adorable!
Since Haley was wiped we took her home and spent the rest of the afternoon at home. Roy set up the camping bed Grandma & Grandpa got him for Dad's Day. Haley loved it! She would bounce herself up and down just squealing with delight.
We wrapped up our day with a small visit to Grandma & Grandpa's. Grandpa has not been feeling well so we made the visit short. The girls gave Grandpa kisses and Haley showed off her new crawling trick. Grandpa was so excited to see her moving! All in all a great Father's Day! The first of many - man I am lucky to be married to one great Dad!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful way to celebrate Father's Day with both of the dads! It shows that Kelly can throw any celebration together quickly, efficiently and with incredible results, and a frog dress to boot!
