Sunday, May 31, 2009

Church With Grammy

Today Haley & I met Grammy, Papa and Aunt Kate at St. Andrews.
Grammy was in charge of making cards for the Deacon's so I came to help & Haley showed up to be cute...which she succeeded in doing! :)
We all ate a nice turkey sandwich lunch and then headed in to get to work!
Haley was sleepy from all her cuteness so she took a nap while the ladies made cards and Papa did some outside weeding. Grammy said we managed to make over 100 cards!
It was a lot of fun working with Aunt Kate & Grammy! After church we came home and relaxed at the house for the rest of the day. Haley is SO close to crawling it is crazy!
She really can move around now.
She will army crawl to go get something if she really wants it! She can not stay still for even a second. I am so excited for this next stage!

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