Wednesday, May 27, 2009

2 For The Price Of 1

So as promised I will give you double the photos today! I have a couple of really cute ones from yesterday when Makenna & Annie came by to visit. All three of these girls love their food - they ate some puffs and yogurt bites picnic style on the floor. All you could hear was gentle murmurs and crunching. Too cute. After lunch Annie & Makenna "sang" an amazing duet call "MMMaaaaaahhhhhh" It was quite the show! I have to include this photo of Makenna & Henry. Henry had quite the visit with us - so many people, babies & dogs! Henry heaven!
Today Crystal & Alex came back from their hike (22 miles!) They were tired & sore but they said they had a great time! This afternoon was Haley's nine month check up. Dr. Nelson said Haley was doing very well & seem right on track developmentally. Haley had to get a blood draw which was no fun! :( She was very upset but got over it pretty quickly with the help of a new squirt toy to chew on :) After her appointment she went over to Grammy's and spent the afternoon. She is so close to crawling! She gets onto all fours but just does not quite get going. I know it is going to happen any day now!


  1. So we're lying in bed tonight and Papa says, "Do kids still play with dolls these days?" I said, "I don't know, why?" and he replied with, "Oh, I was just thinking that if they do, we could make a Haley doll and it would be a runaway hit." That's my honey, always thinking of ways we can make a million dollars! He's right, look at those pictures!

  2. I would buy one, or ten! :) She is a doll so it is very fitting :) I love Papa
