Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Typical Tuesday

So Tuesdays have gotten to be very busy (and slightly repetitive) lately. This one was no different other than Roy was in Olympia & Makenna was feeling a little under the weather. Since Makenna was not feeling well the morning was very mellow. Makenna mostly just wanted to cuddle on the couch & Haley kept herself content on the floor playing with various toys and attempting to crawl. Tank had been absolutely exhausted since he had to walk an entire 1.5 miles on Saturday so he plopped down and just watched.After Makenna went home I went and picked Alex up from school. From there we met Grammy & Papa at Panda Express for some dinner before Circle of Security. I tried to take a photo of Grammy & her girls - it didn't turn out exactly as I had planned, but it is still frickin AWESOME! Today was the last video of the class. We will have one more session to review everything and then I will be done. It will be nice not to have such a busy Tuesday but I think the class was worth it and rewarding. I think Grammy will be sad to lose her Tuesdays - I better figure out some alternative plan :) The girls hung out at Grammy's until class was over. Apparently (from the photos) they passed the time by putting things on Haley's head & taking photos.After we got home Alex played with Haley for a little bit. They are so cute together! We played a fun game of "Get Daddy" before it was time for bed. Now it is time for Momma to go to bed :)

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, yeah it was squeeze Grammy's face and make fun of her night! But Grammy got the revenge because she's taller and can put all kinds of funny things on Haley's head AND take pictures!Leggings make a particularly lovely and warm scraf reminicent of Eastern European Garb!
    Alex got all her papers in order and Papa helped with math tutoring. So everyone learn something. Thanks for sharing your Tuesdays with us.
