Thursday, May 14, 2009

Night At The Opera & House Guest

Today was a fun day. Makenna came over again. We were able to try out the new double stroller. The girls really seemed to like it! It will be so nice to have a way to easily transport both sweeties! While Makenna was visiting I noticed a small dog running free outside. I followed the dog as it ran back and forth across 92nd. I was sure it was going to get hit! I kept an eye on him from a distance (so he would not get more frightened) and watched as he ran across both lanes of Foster! Then he turned around and ran back across! He finally ran into the neighbors yard and I was able to corner him. He was a young, white dog and had no tags. I gave him a bath, fed him, & let him spend the night. I will take him to the Humane Society tomorrow and see if they can find his owners (or a new home.) After the exciting afternoon, I met Uncle for dinner & the Opera. We saw Rigoletto. It was very good - but very long. The guy next to me kept nodding off and snoring - too funny! I love spending time with Uncle - we always laugh a lot & have a great time!


  1. So "officially" you've still not missed a blog in 62 days! AMAZING!

  2. I never noticed how freaking cute this picture is! Makenna with her "cheese" face and Haley has her hands clasped together! If there was a contest for "best baby friends" they would win. Hands down. Good lord, our kids are the cutest EVER. ;)
