Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Makenna & The Final Circle of Security

Went a little photo crazy today - boo hoo, I know! I was trying out some different settings with the new camera and got some really good shots! Makenna came over this morning to play with Haley. The two girls played together in the ball pit. It was hilarious because Makenna would play with Haley for a bit and then she would look up and see the frog eyes and get scared -her little lip would quiver... Then she would forget and start playing again (until the next time)...it was too funny! Makenna went down for a nap and the early interventionist came and worked with Haley. We made new goals for the next 6 months. We are working on crawling and pulling up to stand. Haley continues to impress her! After Intervention and naps the girls shared some yogurt melts & played with me on the couch. Apparently I am a magnet for cute things! After Makenna went home Haley & I left to Grammy's. Merinell (who lived next door to me when I was growing up) came and met Haley. It was very nice to see her! Haley went to Sandy's concert with Grammy & Papa while I went to my last Circle of Security. I will actually miss going. It was really nice to have parent's to talk to that I felt understood my challenges. I realized how therapeutic it was and I will miss it.

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